viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


European development plan

Based on a deep analysis of the educative community needs of IES Fernando Savater, the aim of this plan is for the school to fully participate in the EU’s Eramus+ Programme. By taking into account our needs and the objectives of the programme, our European development plan is organised into five main areas.
1.       Improvement of the language level: in different departments and management staff members.
·         We need to improve our language competence through specialised courses and training.
·         We aim to create CLIL materials for the different areas we teach in other languages.
·         We need to improve the communication with our partners in the European associations (KA2)

2.       Internationalisation of the School
·         We want to improve the teaching quality in our school, in conjunction with other European schools.
·         We need to understand and broaden our idea about the teaching curriculum and plan of studies in other European countries.
·         We then must use this information to improve and rationalise our curriculum.
·         We need to link the teaching contents with the labour market on a local, national and European scale.

3.       Digital Competence:
·         We need to be more familiar with innovative teaching methodologies and practices with the introduction of TAC.
·         We need to broaden our knowledge of digital tools and online programmes which can help education.
·         We aim to update our knowledge related to vocabulary, communication, use of social networks and other digital platforms which enable us to change and improve the educational process by motivating students and tackling early dropout.

4.       Management Skills:
·         We need to know other, better ways of management and organisation within the school, both for the management staff members and the principal departments. Moreover, we need for the school area coordinators to achieve a correct coherence between our schools’ educative project, the education goals, and the real functioning of our school.
·         We would like to explore other educative systems which develop projects promoting creativity, innovation and team-working, through innovative methodologies.
·         We need to carry out new means of cooperation, new synergies between the different fields of education and with other institutions at local, regional, national and international levels.  

5.       Promotion of entrepreneurial values and education:
·         Taking into account that our school is located in one of the least developed areas of the European Union, with high unemployment rates of up to 40% of the active population, it is in fact urgent for the promotion of entrepreneurial education which provides our students with skills such as language competence, team-working skills, creativity and innovation to help solve local problems.  The main goal in this field is to facilitate entrepreneurial initiative and their future inclusion in the labour market. This item is directly linked to our KA2 project: “Cities with culture, entrepreneurial cities”.

The first objective of this plan is for teacher training during the years 2016-17 and 2017-18, through the Key Action KA1.
  After this, we would like to participate in school exchange programmes, through Key Action KA2, during the years of 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.
  In the long term, when we are a fully internationalised school, we would like to use our experience of cooperative working with different digital tools by offering work experience to teachers from other EU countries shadowing our teachers in order to provide them with training in this field. 

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