Nuestro proyecto de formación parte de un análisis realista del contexto educativo y social en el que desarrollamos nuestra labor. Somos conscientes de la necesidad de la sociedad local de ampliar sus horizontes, implementar medidas de fomento de la cultura emprendedora, la formación en lenguas extranjeras, la internacionalización de sus empresas, el fomento del turismo cultural como mejor vía para explotar sus potenciales económicos y sociales. Una mejor formación de sus ciudadanos estaría en la base de una sustancial mejora de su economía y productividad. Conscientes de ello, nos proponemos como equipos educativos consolidar conocimientos, aumentar nuestras competencias, cuantitativa y cualitativamente, aprovechar experiencias vividas en otros entornos que han servido para mejorar la calidad formativa de sus ciudadanos redundando en una mejora de sus estadísticas socio-económicas: datos de empleo, formación, autoempleo, emprendimiento, creación de tejido productivo, diversificación de actividades económicas, etc...
El total de participantes en el proyecto es de ocho profesores-directivos, que responden a tres perfiles distintos: Profesorado que pertenece a la sección bilingüe del centro; profesorado interesado en incorporarse a la misma (con lo que la enseñanza bilingüe podría extenderse a mayor número de alumnos y departamentos); y por último, miembros del equipo directivo del centro cuyas necesidades de formación convergen con las de los anteriores: la observación de sistemas educativos de contrastada calidad, y mejora de las competencias lingüísticas y la capacitación para las funciones directivas.
Las actividades que nos proponemos realizar responden a estas necesidades descritas: actividades de formación en lengua extranjera inglés para profesorado de la sección bilingüe o que pretende incorporarse a ella; actividades de formación en metodología AICLE y TIC para este mismo perfil de profesorado; actividades de metodología y didáctica específicas para profesorado de lenguas extranjeras; actividades relacionadas con las ciudades, Europa, internacionalización y cultura emprendedora; y actividades de formación específica para equipos directivos (organización y gestión de centros educativos).
Este proyecto se basa en una metodología investigativa, que partiendo del análisis de las necesidades del entorno y del centro educativo, y de las posibilidades formativas que nos ofrecen las diferentes instituciones europeas, indaga en las inquietudes del profesorado y, evalúa sus posibles efectos positivos en el desarrollo de las potencialidades de nuestro centro. Esta metodología incluye el trabajo en equipo del personal docente y su implicación en la mejora de su propia actividad profesional, a través de reuniones en las que se han puesto en común estas necesidades e inquietudes y se han propuesto posibles respuestas a las mismas. Así mismo, esta metodología requiere de una evaluación y autoevaluación constantes, que forman parte tanto de la elaboración del proyecto como de cada una de las fases en que se desarrollará, haciendo un especial énfasis en los posibles resultados, impactos en el alumnado y entorno así como en la propia capacitación profesional, y ampliación de la dimensión europea de nuestro proyecto educativo.
El impacto que esperamos se produzca, se puede dividir en tres vertientes (profesores, alumnos y organización).
Impacto sobre los profesores; como resultado de la puesta en práctica del proyecto los profesores deberán:
-Mejora de las competencias profesionales.
-Mejora en la capacidad de provocar cambios en términos de modernización e internacionalización.
-Mejora en la capacidad de dar respuesta a la diversidad social, lingüística y cultural.
-Mejora en la capacidad de abordar las necesidades de las personas desfavorecidas.
-Mejora en la competencia lingüística en inglés.
Impacto sobre los alumnos; como resultado de la puesta en práctica del proyecto los alumnos deberán:
-Mejora de los resultados de aprendizaje.
-Mejora de las perspectivas profesionales.
-Aumento del espíritu empresarial.
-Incremento de la autocapacitación y autoestima.
-Mejora en la competencia lingüística en inglés.
-Incremento de la conciencia intercultural.
-Mejora de la participación activa en la sociedad.
Impacto sobre la organización; como resultado de la puesta en práctica del proyecto la organización deberá:
-Mejora en la capacidad de operar a nivel internacional en proyectos de cooperación europeos (dimensión europea de la educación).
-Mejora en la gestión del centro, los distintos departamentos y los equipos de coordinación.
-Modernización e internacionalización de la organización, a través de la introducción de nuevas metodologías y tecnologías.
Our training project stems from a realistic analysis of the educational and social context in which we develop our work. We understand the need of local society to broaden their horizons, implement measures to promote entrepreneurial culture, foreign language training, internationalization of its companies, and the promotion of cultural tourism as the best way to exploit its economic and social potential . A better training of its citizens would be on the basis of a substantial improvement in the economy and productivity.In awareness of this, our aim as teaching staff is to increase our skills, quantitatively and qualitatively, and take advantage of our experiences in other environments that have served to improve the educational quality of its citizens resulting in an improvement in their socio-economic statistics experiences: data employment, training, self-employment, entrepreneurial skills, productive framework , diversification of economic activities, and so on.
The total project participants are eight teachers who respond to three different profiles:
Teachers belonging to the bilingual section; teachers interested in joining it (so that bilingual education could be extended to more students and departments); and finally, members of the management team whose training needs converge with those of previous observation , regarding the educational systems of proven quality and improved language skills and training for leadership roles.
The activities we propose to perform respond to these needs described: English training for foreign language teachers of the bilingual section or those who intend to join it; CLIL training activities and ICT methodology for this same profile of teachers; activities and specific teaching methodology for teachers of foreign languages; activities related to cities, Europe, internationalization and entrepreneurial culture; and specific training activities for management teams (organization and management of schools); Job Shadowing activities at a school with broad experience in the development of innovation and creativity projects in Denmark.
This project is based on a research methodology, on the needs of the environment and the educational center, and the training possibilities offered by the various European institutions , inquiry and sharing of concerns in teacher training and evaluation of potential positive effects . This methodology includes teamwork of teachers and their involvement in improving their own professional activity, through meetings in which they have pooled these needs and concerns and proposed possible responses to them. Furthermore, this methodology requires a constant evaluation and self-evaluation, which is part of the development of the project and each of the phases in which it will develop, with particular emphasis on the possible outcomes, impacts on students and environment, and expansion of the European dimension of our educational project.
The impact we expect to occur can be divided into three areas (teachers, students and organization).
* Impact on teachers; as a result of the implementation of the project teachers should:
- Improve their professional skills.
- Improve the ability to make changes in terms of modernization and internationalization.
- Improve the ability to respond to the social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
- Improve the ability to address the needs of disadvantaged people.
- Improve Language proficiency in English.
* Impact on students; as a result of the implementation of the project, students must:
- Improve Learning outcomes.
- Improve Career prospects.
- Increase Entrepreneurial skills.
- Increase self-empowerment and self-esteem.
-Improve language proficiency in English.
-Increase Intercultural awareness.
-Improve active participation in society.
*Impact on the organization; as a result of the implementation of the project the organization must:
- Improve the ability to operate internationally in European cooperation projects (European dimension of education).
-Improve Center management, departments and coordination teams.
-Modernization And internationalization of the organization through the introduction of new methodologies and technologies.
Our training project stems from a realistic analysis of the educational and social context in which we develop our work. We understand the need of local society to broaden their horizons, implement measures to promote entrepreneurial culture, foreign language training, internationalization of its companies, and the promotion of cultural tourism as the best way to exploit its economic and social potential . A better training of its citizens would be on the basis of a substantial improvement in the economy and productivity.In awareness of this, our aim as teaching staff is to increase our skills, quantitatively and qualitatively, and take advantage of our experiences in other environments that have served to improve the educational quality of its citizens resulting in an improvement in their socio-economic statistics experiences: data employment, training, self-employment, entrepreneurial skills, productive framework , diversification of economic activities, and so on.
The total project participants are eight teachers who respond to three different profiles:
Teachers belonging to the bilingual section; teachers interested in joining it (so that bilingual education could be extended to more students and departments); and finally, members of the management team whose training needs converge with those of previous observation , regarding the educational systems of proven quality and improved language skills and training for leadership roles.
The activities we propose to perform respond to these needs described: English training for foreign language teachers of the bilingual section or those who intend to join it; CLIL training activities and ICT methodology for this same profile of teachers; activities and specific teaching methodology for teachers of foreign languages; activities related to cities, Europe, internationalization and entrepreneurial culture; and specific training activities for management teams (organization and management of schools); Job Shadowing activities at a school with broad experience in the development of innovation and creativity projects in Denmark.
This project is based on a research methodology, on the needs of the environment and the educational center, and the training possibilities offered by the various European institutions , inquiry and sharing of concerns in teacher training and evaluation of potential positive effects . This methodology includes teamwork of teachers and their involvement in improving their own professional activity, through meetings in which they have pooled these needs and concerns and proposed possible responses to them. Furthermore, this methodology requires a constant evaluation and self-evaluation, which is part of the development of the project and each of the phases in which it will develop, with particular emphasis on the possible outcomes, impacts on students and environment, and expansion of the European dimension of our educational project.
The impact we expect to occur can be divided into three areas (teachers, students and organization).
* Impact on teachers; as a result of the implementation of the project teachers should:
- Improve their professional skills.
- Improve the ability to make changes in terms of modernization and internationalization.
- Improve the ability to respond to the social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
- Improve the ability to address the needs of disadvantaged people.
- Improve Language proficiency in English.
* Impact on students; as a result of the implementation of the project, students must:
- Improve Learning outcomes.
- Improve Career prospects.
- Increase Entrepreneurial skills.
- Increase self-empowerment and self-esteem.
-Improve language proficiency in English.
-Increase Intercultural awareness.
-Improve active participation in society.
*Impact on the organization; as a result of the implementation of the project the organization must:
- Improve the ability to operate internationally in European cooperation projects (European dimension of education).
-Improve Center management, departments and coordination teams.
-Modernization And internationalization of the organization through the introduction of new methodologies and technologies.
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